Dear Axfit Boyfriends
Dear Axfit Boyfriends,
It’s now been 6 months since I have been an Adrenaline Junkie, and a few of you are lucky enough to be on The List. What this list includes is a carefully selected group of my boyfriends. The List is very special and I only put my favourite people on it. I have an extraordinary list of celebrity boyfriends. They range from rock stars (See Exhibit A: He loves me too) and pop stars to country stars (even if their music makes my ears bleed). There are hockey, football and baseball players on The List. Occasionally, I will even adopt a new favourite band or team if the right boyfriend is on it. I recently broke up with Tom Brady (because his wife carries his man parts in her purse) and my Patriots to become a Detroit Lions Fan…helllllooooo Reggie Bush! The List also includes doctors, teachers and random Cubans from my recent vacation. No one is safe from my list. My husband knows of my list and even refers to my boyfriends as such. He’s a good husband.
Although the names on my list may be vast, unless you have the Adam Levine factor and can put me on the verge of spontaneous combustion by your mere existence (See Exhibit B: Do you like my nail polish?), or by simply saying hello in the sexiest voice on earth that is Chris Daughtry’s, then you have to have something pretty special to be on this list.
Yes Axfit Boyfriends, some of you are hot, so very hot in fact that I may or may not want to bite your ass cheek. I may look at you and wonder why you never smile. Are you just focused on your workout, are you that mysterious OR, are you perhaps thinking of creative ways that those orange bands can be used? You are like the Christian Grey of Axfit. Maybe you will be cast in 50 Shades of Fitness. Mysterious and handsome? Rawr. For some of you, I may even get less grossed out having to use a mat that you just sweat all over, because you in fact are on my boyfriend list. Some of you crack me up. All women know that if you are funny you are most definitely a special kind of hot. Boyfriends, know this…I have been sizing up your muscles and I have carefully calculated what weight I will need to be before I start faking injuries in order to get you to pick me up off the ground and carry me. (Who says The List’s membership didn’t have privileges!)
Before coming to Axfit you wouldn’t have caught me dead working out in a room/gym full of hot guys (or men AT ALL) AND girls, let alone a setting with so many athletes. Danielle seems to attract the hottest of the hot in Windsor, as well as some of the most unbelievably encouraging and supportive people in the city. This is one of the most amazing groups of men and women I have ever had the privilege to be a part of (I have felt so comfortable in fact that I may even have to start a girlfriend list!)
While on vacation with my hubby a few weeks ago, I headed to the gym. I ran on the treadmill, did core exercises and lifted weights. I was killing it and all of a sudden realized that I was in a room with five very fit men, me being the only woman. It was then that it dawned on me that (not only do I no longer give a shit what they think of me) but your support and encouragement in Axfit classes has done wonders for my confidence. I am willing to try things I have never done. I am willing to fail and laugh at myself and still try again. I am willing to be myself and not feel like I want to vomit because I am not good enough. I spent years attending ‘women’s only’ classes and gyms, never getting the push I needed. Between Danielle’s training and all of the Junkies encouraging me I am in a different place than I have ever been.
While you may be easy on the eyes it is not this (alone) that has landed you on my Boyfriend List. It’s the fact that you either encourage or push me without judging me. You may not realize what even a quiet ‘Good job today’ at the end of a class does for me. I am a different person. For this I thank you.
Your Girlfriend, Angela
P.S. I am totally faking not being able to run fast…I just like running behind you.
NOTE: To the guy who keeps stealing my mat and weights, GET YOUR OWN. You will never make the The List if you keep it up…or, I will kick your ass 🙂
Did YOU make THE LIST?